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Love Letters to the Universe

'Ephemeral - Love Letters to the Universe' is several things - a haven for expression, and a writing portfolio for the creator to gauge their personal growth, but mostly an ode to the human experience, built with musings and words.

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I had always believed that I was a summer person - almost like a cold-blooded creature finally lured out of a warm hiding place, by the...

Past and Present

I think I have written about this in the past - my memory fails me because I haven't visited in quite some time. It has maybe been around...

The Problem and the Solution

They say that to be a good speaker, one needs to be a good listener first. To be a good writer then, one would need to be a good reader....


Sipping coffee while looking over code and listening to a random jazz playlist on YouTube wasn't what I had imagined my workday to look...


2-3 years ago, the most incredible thing for me to hear would have been the fact that I eventually get rid of my severe anxiety. That I...

Summers and Tantrums

Yesterday, eyeing stores as I walked toward my boarding gate at the airport, I came across a couple of bookstores. Normally, bookstores...

Coffee Shop

"One cappuccino, please. With a couple of pumps of hazelnut syrup, but please don't make it too sweet?" "Wow. That's literally one of my...


I think I have been mistaken about something my whole life, and I am finally starting to get it? For over a month, I have been focusing...

Almost 25

A lot of my beliefs and opinions have been rather malleable throughout my life. I don't know what it is more of - openness of the mind -...


Over the past couple of years of writing here, in a secluded corner away from the judging, or worse, uninterested, eyes of people, I have...

You are Probably Never Going to Happen Again

People talk about trying new things in a way that makes it seem like there is some hidden virtue inherent in the concept, a virtue only...

At a Loss for Words

One of the excuses that I have made each time I have debated myself on whether or not to sit and finally start writing something...

Perfectionism and Static Friction

It's been a while since I shared something that I wrote. While some of it has to do with my recent endeavours at developing better habits...


It is a difficult, often debilitating, realisation that one may not be able to do each and everything that they wanted to do in life....

My Dearest Friend

My dearest friend, I haven't met you in ages, and naturally, it hasn't been great without you. When I think of you now, I think of...

Appreciating the Beauty of Pausing to Reflect Inspiration: Amanda Krishna's Claire De Lune Ethereal Remix Play along with the read for an interesting...

Writing for the Sake of Writing

As the world around me gets more and more averse to processes and obsessed with deliverables, I wonder what I can do to appreciate the...

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